Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Nonattachment, Saving the Earth, and Solidarity

My warmest Sunday greetings to all, I just spent a mindful day at Ocean Beach in San Francisco, followed by a trip to North Beach ending up with Buddhist chants at the Gold Mountain Monastery in
Chinatown.  Master Hsuan Hwa founded this monastery, he who wisely advised, "Do not be attached to anything at all."
 I am emotionally suffering due to my intensity and insistence of returning to Washington D.C., in order to bring the metaphysical aspect into the radical environmental and peace & justice dissent effort there.  I have until May 1st, when my stay at the St. Mary'sSenior Shelter ends, and I do not now have adequate money to finance a beltway goddess-on-a-flatbed-truck action in D.C..  Also, nobody has emailed me to say that they are enthusiastic about doingthis.  

Frankly, I am not receiving any messages from anyone at all
that are encouraging in regard to my being in D.C. again; unless I
arrive with money, and can support myself fully, in which case I am
welcome to protest anything that I like as much as I care to in
Washington D.C.

Therefore, I spent today concentrating on NOT being attached
to the thinking mind!  Perhaps this ought to be my primary focus
for the future.  I feel very weird about all of this, particularly
refocusing away from environmental and peace & justice concerns,
but I see no way to continue participating in an activist
direction, given that I am receiving no cooperation/solidarity of
any significance from the left wing in the USA, and I presently
lack sufficient money to make anything happen action-wise on my
     Maybe this is all for the best, Craig Louis Stehr

Craig Louis Stehr
Email: craigstehr@hushmail.com

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