Saturday, March 5, 2022

Alive in the Mendocino County Social Services System

Warmest spiritual greetings, Please appreciate the fact that the Mendocino County Social Services System has come through incredibly well in ensuring my survival at the moment. Being evicted from the cannabis trimmer scene (which developed where I was living for over one year in Redwood Valley), necessitated having long time friends Pay Pal me money to remain indoors in Ukiah motels, which eventually resulted in the heart's two chambers not working together properly due to a number of factors related to my social situation, which necessitated a pacemaker being implanted at Adventist Hospital, and concluded with my being safe and secure at Building Bridges winter shelter where I am right now. Social Services is working to place me in a subsidized studio somewhere in the Ukiah area. Ukiah Crisis Care is meeting with me on a weekly basis for a relaxed conversation, which I am finding to be very important and effective...just being able to interact with somebody else in an informal manner is valuable beyond measure right now. Beyond all of it, I remain resolute in continuing to do the peace & justice & environmental activist work that I have been involved with the past 50 years, and ultimately, I am only really interested in doing that which is pleasing to God. Craig Louis Stehr Email: Telephone Messages: c/o Building Bridges (707) 234-3270 March 4, 2022

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