Saturday, June 16, 2018

Since March 29th I have been in the mid-Atlantic region, active in Washington, D.C. and New York City.  Daily going to the Peace Vigil across the street from the White House, providing food and beverages to the vigilers, who continue to maintain the anti-nuclear protest begun in 1982, 24/7, 365.  Also met with D.C. Catholic Worker, who also show up and advocate for world peace, (since I was active with them beginning in 1991 doing service for the "poorest of the poor").   Car camped briefly outside of the beltway at the Watkins Nature Center with IWW activist Jesse Schultz, and then moved into the Hostelling International  travel hostel.  He and I attended the J20 court hearings to be in solidarity with the protesters, some of whom we worked with during D.C. Occupy at both McPherson Square and Freedom Plaza in 2012. 
         Went to New York City for three weeks, and chanted Vedic mantrams and historically later songs and chants from the Sanatana Dharma, all around the outside and also inside of the United Nations complex, in order to neutralize the negative energy.  Daily went to Union Square and chanted with Harinam NYC, and attended the huge Ratha Yatra Festival of the Chariots, which went from 45th St. & 5th Ave. all the way to Washington Square Park.  Spent a day visiting the Hindu Temple in Flushing, NY, which was celebrating their 41st anniversary, and enjoyed special pujas and cultural performances. 
          Am booked into the DUO travel hostel on 11th St. NW in Washington, D.C. until June 24th, and have advised all that if they wish to do anything with me, now is a good time to make contact.