Friday, August 31, 2018


Please know that I have paid for my room at the Plumeria alternative hostel in Honolulu, Hawaii until September 5th. 

 I am willing to leave here. I encourage everybody to STOP identifying with the body and the mind, and identify with the core spiritual reality that we all are. 

 If we don't , then we are all wasting our collective time at this point in political jousting in the United States of America.

On the other hand, if we collectively identify with spiritual reality, and "bring in the spiritual mojo", then it is possible to intervene in history. It's as simple as that. Awaiting replies,

"You come through loud and clear....

"If you could come up with a prayer for the little people - our one-celled cousins, then they, the Great Spirit's first round of living organisms, will intervene for us.  (Shouldn't exceed two words; they're very binary!)"

Friday, August 17, 2018

The present fleeting moment...

Everything is OK here in Honolulu...paid for my room through September 5th...went out last night and enjoyed a couple of beers at the Maui Brewing Co. celebrating the incredible gift that Aretha Franklin will always be. I

 understand that everybody with whom I identify in Washington, D.C. is continuing to live on the edge, ready to respond to the alt.right menace (and that the liberals are not particularly in solidarity with us, but would like us to support their protestations). 

 Feel free to communicate to the liberals that I will be happy to accept their solidarity, and let's start with housing for me; unless of course, they could not care less about destroying the demonic, and only really are committed to enhancing their egos and continuing to put on a protest carnival. 
Meanwhile, I've got three weeks unscheduled coming up, so I guess I will just head for the beach and chant mantrams and eat fresh locally sourced food and enjoy the Plumeria alternative hostel Saturday night BBQ. 

Stay in touch everybody. Thank you.

Craig Louis Stehr
August 17, 2018
Honolulu, Hawaii


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Warriorship in Crazy Times

Awoke peacefully in an air conditioned room at the Plumeria Alternative Hostel in central Honolulu, Hawaii.  The balmy summer days are in the mid 80s and the Pacific trade winds gently add to the surreal effect of island living.  

Still in the bed, fingering my black onyx beads and watching the mental factory slowly churn out thoughts, then up and doing, straight to the bathroom for morning ablutions.  Putting on spiritually warrior themed jewelry, the necklace featuring a Ganesh with OM on the reverse side, now joined by a Ganesh astride a Tibetan phurba and also a prayer wheel (which actually turns).  

The silver and black diamond ring bought in New York's Greenwich Village is worn on the right side, and the Lono God of Peace featuring ocean waves cuff, paired with a Night Rider box toggle bracelet, and the ever accurate Swiss Army automatic watch, are on the left side.  

Identifying with the Absolute Divine Reality, not the body and not the mind, reflecting the continuous superconscious state which Sanskrit defines as Sahaja Samadhi Avastha, in the travel hostel room featuring a cloth from India emblazoned with the Krishna Mahamantram, also a small picture of Ganesh found at a thrift store, and a metal figure of the warrior goddess Durga sitting nobly on the writing desk.  

       Turning on the new Microsoft Surface computer, and surfing the internet for information relevant to peace and justice efforts and worldwide radical environmental campaigns.  The emergency of climate destabilization is of the foremost concern, particularly in view of rising temperatures and increased wildfires.  Checking the Earth First! newswire, followed by checking the DC Indymedia website for news about the occupation of Lafayette Park in front of the White House, it is time to go and get morning coffee and a blueberry scone at the Honolulu Museum of Art.  This will be followed by going into the Indian section and visiting with Lord Sri Krishna, Ganesh, and Durga.  And then, moments of serenity sitting on a bench in front of the water moon Guan Yin murti.    

       Walking to Chinatown freely, not attached to anything at all, proceeding across the park across the street from the museum, eyes closed and walking easily, the body-mind complex just flows along, guided by it higher source.  It is great fun to walk like this.  NO WORRIES!  Repeating the mantram which Swami Satchidananda taught everybody years ago: "Not the body, not the mind, Immortal Self I am!"  The "guru who opened Woodstock" knew the ultimate reality beyond the horrible samsara, and enjoined everybody else to realize their true nature, and be free.    

        The subscription to the Washington Post online has run out, and will not be renewed, as well the New York Times online.  After fourteen forays being socio-politically active in Washington, D.C. beginning in June of 1991 with Catholic Worker, there is no mystery left.  Political Washington, D.C. is a deep swamp of greed, hatred, and delusion, with the heroic battling the demonic.  Partly stupid, partly insane, and always chaotic.  That is what contemporary government on the planet earth generally is.  Period.  The entire spectacle is destroying itself, with a little help from my friends.  

         Not identifying with the body.  Not identifying with the mind.  Immortal Selves we are.  The goddess Pele is going wild on the big island of Hawaii, with a river of molten lava having burnt to a crisp everything in its path, and then entering the Pacific Ocean and obstructing sea lanes.  Shipping companies have changed their routes to avoid the intensely hot material.  Wealthy residents have been evacuated to neighboring islands.  The 60 million dollar homes are gone.  It's all ashes now.  There has never been a clearer example of impermanence.  

          We spiritual warriors comprise the only community that will ever seriously matter on the earth plane.  As the Tibetan master of crazy wisdom, Chogyam Trungpa remarked: "To be a warrior is to be genuine in every moment of your life".  Everything else is madness.

Craig Louis Stehr
August 1, 2018
Honolulu, Hawaii