Friday, December 14, 2012

The growing absurdity of celebrating Jesus Christ's birthday in America's national capital.

Christmas in Washington D.C.
Washington D.C. is experiencing a colossal Depression of spirit, as the fiscal cliff  Looms ever closer, and the politicians refuse to cooperate, their own money's aplenty  (plus Retirement benefits), and with the cold rain...

The district never looked grayer, the sky

Is slate colored and all of those concrete
Hulks of administrative buildings create
Canyons to walk through, the only points of
Light being the anti-nuclear vigil in front
Of the White House, and Veterans for Peace vigiling a block north at the VA building.

And that is it! The rest is hopeless, as

Holiday decorations add a surreal touch
With north pole motifs and candy canes in
Department store windows, blinking strands 

Of colored lights surround grinning reindeer
Pulling Santa's sleigh hauling merry elves

With bulging sacks of electronic toys and
Small fir trees in windows decorated with
Every image pop culture ever conjured up,

But there is no place for peace and justice
Activists because years ago the Metropolitan
Police raided the radical Olive Branch Catholic
 Worker House, forcing the owner to sell, so
Now it's four condominiums, and ya know what?

Somebody needs to quickly alert the Federal

Government that Jesus Christ is still the
Reason for the season, and there is only
Eleven days left before Christmas.

Craig Louis Stehr

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