Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Leaving El Dorado

It's been almost thirteen months since I signed a lease at the Emperor Norton Inn at Post & Taylor in the heart of San Francisco.  Spent most of the time sending out networking emails far and wide, waiting to see if anything of importance developed from all of the conversations, and daily went to St. Patrick's Catholic church in the evenings to enjoy a higher plane of reality.
   On January 1st, I'll be flying on United Airlines to Honolulu, staying again at the excellent alternative Plumeria Travel Hostel on Piikoi Street.  

Whereas I do not have any further reason to be living on the U.S. mainland, this move is auspicious.  I am looking forward to my final chapter on the earth plane; I'm ready, wherever it goes.

     Wishing everybody a joy-filled Christmas season, and as we witness the collapse of postmodernism, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
    For those wishing to join with me in getting their inner hula on, email me at  ~Aloha~

Man is in Pain, 1955

Philip Lamantia

Man is in pain
ten bright balls bat the air
falling through the window
on which his double leans a net the air made
to catch the ten bright balls

Man is a room
where the malefic hand turns a knob
on the unseen unknown double's door

Man is in pain
with his navel hook caught on a stone quarry
where ten bright balls chose to land
AND where the malefic hand carves
on gelatinous air THE WINDOW
to slam shut on his shadow's tail

ten bright balls bounce into the unseen
unknown double's net
Man is a false window
through which his double walks to the truth
that falls as ten bright balls
the malefic hand tossed into the air
Man is in pain
ten bright spikes nailed to the door

Truth Not Realized

"The depth and solidity of substance in the world is similar to the distance and substantiality of things seen in a mirror.  The truth is not realized in life because the body of the observer is itself involved in this reflected appearance called the world."

~Swami Krishnananda  (General Secretary of the Divine Life Society in Muni-ki-Reti, India from 1958-2001.
