It's a pleasantly cool summer evening in Redwood Valley, California. Am just sitting here with nothing to do particularly, having purchased lottery tickets for tonight and tomorrow's drawings. Am nourished from a dinner of a bowl of miso lentil soup with a cheese sandwich. Right this moment I am watching a fly walking across the psychedelically patterned mouse pad; a Grateful Dead creation.
I have stopped sending out "networking messages" asking others what they would do in this world if they knew that they could not fail. I've also stopped networking for more frontline direct action oriented situations, because I do not receive any rational responses (such as offering me housing, for example). It appears that postmodern America is so seriously confused and basically lost, that nothing anybody might do will be sufficient. Therefore, I sit here at The Magic Ranch in Mendocino county, participating insofar as upkeep etc. as required, take long walks on the country roads, which is followed by a cold pint or two of beer at Vick's bar at the intersection which serves as downtown Redwood Valley, and then hitchhike to the Coyote Valley Casino to enjoy the Mexican food, and free coffee, before usually winning money at the slot machines.
Whereas I have nothing to do now, I am not even bothering to perform spiritual practices, because there's no reason to be doing them. Knowing what I am, just witnessing every day on planet earth dispassionately, this is so completely detached that there is no motivation to do anything to change my circumstances. Indeed, what would I do?
As we pleasantly await the needed Divine Intervention on the earth plane, to intervene in this hopelessly conflicted civilization, and now with ecological collapse increasing as well, feel free to remain in touch with me. Perhaps a miracle will happen and we will collectively do something amazing. Why not? It couldn't possibly be worse than dwelling in Nirvana!