Sitting in the basement serials section of the Honolulu Public Library, notebook of blank pages open and a pen in hand, body and mind relaxed and thus useful for automatic writing. This is the method that spiritual authors have adopted since recorded history, in order to write down the essential messages for their civilizations and for future generations. This is the method of mystic writing, particularly poetry, sacred literature, drama, and song. Mystical poetry is widely read, available on the internet, as are epic literary monuments such as Sri Aurobindo's "Savitri". "Savitri" is an extraordinary example of automatic writing, which testifies to the incredible power of the Divine Absolute which works through the non-interfering instrument of the individual body and mind. >>>Exactly what automatic writing amounts to, is sitting down at a writing desk, holding a writing instrument in hand over a blank page, and waiting for the words to flow onto the surface of the paper.<<<
Sri Aurobindo reported that at times nothing would happen and that at other times many pages were filled. Most crucial is that he maintained a regular schedule, which resulted in the epic work "Savitri".
Right this moment, I am not interfering with this pen writing down all of these words, none of which were pre-conceived, and this was not previously pondered, and there is no rough draft. Sitting here comfortably in a chair at a desk in the basement serials section of Honolulu's Public Library, the pen easily moves and the words flow onto the blank pages of the writer's notebook, line after line, page after page. The physical body is relaxed, and the mind is at ease. There is an absence of tension, because the ego is not the author. There is a hand holding a pen, a relaxed mind, a slight smile on the face, and where are the multifarious hells of postmodernism? Where is the hopelessly crazy fear of death? Where is the American devotion to consumerist capitalism? Where is the absurdity of Washington politics, and the spectre of nuclear war?
Without any prior consideration, absolutely no forethought or pre-planning, and no rough draft, the ballpoint pen continues to move and the words appear. This is automatic writing. This is a perfect activity for a very troubled world. Everybody is invited to join with me in a collective automatic writing group. Take up this sacred activity, and answer the impossible philosophical question: "What would you do in this world if you knew that you could not fail?". OM Shanthi
Craig Louis Stehr
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