Saturday, June 29, 2024

Sahaja Samadhi Avastha

2.3. THE AROMA OF SAHAJA AVASTHA No one need struggle to pass from Sahaja to Nirvikalpa Samadhi; it is an automatic process. Even the struggle that the Yogi puts forth (if it may be called struggle) is intended only to maintain the Sahaja Avastha. The slender thread of Sattvic ego should be prevented from assuming Rajasic proportions. Though such downfall is very rare, we do come across such instances in our scriptures where a slight heedlessness spoils the game. If, as Lord Krishna puts it in the Gita, this Sahaja Avastha is maintained till the very end of life (till the Prarabdha is exhausted), one attains Brahma-Nirvana or Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Sahaja being a God-conscious state, the Yogi vigorously engages himself in Lokasangraha. In selfless service and cosmic love, Karma is rapidly worn out, and the Supreme Culmination is hastened-at the same time all chances of even the slightest descent from the high Sahaja Avastha are prevented. 2.4. CHITTA SHUDDHI FOR SAMADHI Q. Can I not get Samadhi without having Chitta Shuddhi? A. No. Just as a superstructure cannot be built without proper foundation, so also Samadhi cannot be built without the foundation of Chitta Shuddhi. Just as the building that is built on a rotten foundation will fall down, so also the Sadhaka who is trying to attain Samadhi without Chitta Shuddhi will fall down. Purity of heart is the first pre-requisite in the spiritual path, be it Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga or Jnana Yoga. ~ Swami Sivananda

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