Tuesday, December 20, 2022

The Brahmic Vrittis Take Over

Awoke early at the Building Bridges homeless shelter in Ukiah, California. Holding fast to "the constant", understanding that the body and the mind change, but "the knower" never changes, there is no interference with the Dao working through the body-mind complex. Neti pot followed by tongue scraping followed by teeth brushing followed by shaving followed by a hot shower. One action flows into the next, effortlessly, the Brahmic vrittis having taken over. Walked to Plowshares and enjoyed a free pork lunch with apple sauce, pasta, and a slab of German chocolate cake; compliments of those dedicated Catholic Workers. Left there and checked the Powerball ticket, not yet not yet, and purchased another one for the next draw. [The Brahmins at Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry, South India said that they play the lottery, because if God wants to give them money to do God's will, they have to get it somehow!] Since 1994, have been playing three major lotteries twice weekly. The winnings have paid for the tickets thus far. Continued on to the Ukiah Co-op for a small drip coffee enjoyed in the cafe. Energized, walked to the Ukiah Public Library with a brief stop at the Hospice Retail Store. Presently on public computer #4 at the library. A thought arises and is observed by "the knower", and then the thought dissipates. No action is taken as a result of any particular thought. The body remains still. All action is as a result of the Brahmic vrittis, which will dictate for the remainder of this incarnation, all the way back to Godhead. This is the summum bonum of the Sanatana Dharma, or non dualistic vedantic way of life. All other paths are inherently included, because paths are many and the truth is one. It is full and it is complete. The mahavakya from the vedas is Tat Tvam Asi, which translates from the Sanskrit as That Thou Art. The deep, mysterious, divine, absolute is one's true nature. That thou art. Now you know the mystery!! As this civilization heads into 2023 Anno Domini, (which the yearly prediction issue of The Economist foretells will be an insane hell), I am available to leave the homeless shelter in Ukiah, California and am available for spiritually sourced direct action. I've got $166.81 in the checking account, health is basically good for a 73 year old two-legged, am basically sane, and ready. You are welcome to make contact at your earliest convenience. ~Happy New Year~ ☺ Craig Louis Stehr Email: craiglouisstehr@gmail.com Telephone Messages: (707) 234-3270 Share 💲Here: Paypal.me/craiglouisstehr Snail Mail: P.O. Box 938, Redwood Valley, CA 95470 da blog: http://craiglstehr.blogspot.com 20.XII.'22

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