Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Ultimate Wisdom from Tibetan Spiritual Master Kalu Rinpoche

"You live in illusion and in the appearance of things.  There is a Reality.  You are the Reality.  But you do not know it.  If you wake up to that Reality, you will know that you are nothing, and, being nothing, you are everything.  That is all."  ~Kalu Rinpoche

Friday, October 25, 2019

Critical Crucial Constant Communication

It is the same message over and over and over again
Stop identifying with the body and the mind
"Thou art the Immortal Atman", saith the Vedic rishis
"Your cruel master exists not", saith the Buddha
"Know thyself", saith Jesus the Christ
Right now, what is needed is spiritual direct action
In America's Washington, D.C. & @ United Nations NYC
But that's not the finishing shot to the chaos of postmodernism
We need to go global, to the world court at The Hague
We need to push hard for the destruction of the demonic
And return planet earth's civilization to righteousness
Everything else is details, distractions, and lamenting the dead
It is all about rising up, organizing into affinity groups with friends
Being really clear about the fundamental situation on the material platform
We act decisively and effectively established on the spiritual platform
This message is being communicated over and over and over because
The alternative is self-centered advertising, and I've got nothing to sell.

Craig Louis Stehr

Swami Sivananda's Advice for Successful Living in Crazy Times

Just as the Sun collects all its rays at sunset and merges in the horizon, collect all the scattered rays of your mind and merge into the Lotus Feet of the Almighty Lord.
- Swami Sivananda

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Call to Action

Writing all kinds of far out wonderful poetry
With a mystical core and peace & justice focus
There is no guarantee that this is effective
Insofar as civilization replacement is concerned.
On the other hand, if doubting is the sport
Of the season, then let us all confirm right now
Once and for all that we are on a glorious pathway
And thus illumined, we will coherently and crucially
Organize ourselves to transform a civilization of chaos
To a brand new civilization based on the Immortal Atman
(Pure Spirit residing in the center of one's chest, glowing!)
Heck ya we're talking about occupying Washington, D.C. again,
And encircling the United Nations compound in New York City,
And after thoroughly draining the slime from the American swamp,
Proceeding onward to the World Court at The Hague to begin the
Global Healing Process which is our collective task, informed by
Prophecy, impelled by the antarctic ice sheet melt out, we fearlessly
Begin destroying the demonic to return the world to righteousness.

Craig Louis Stehr

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Full Realization of the Inherent Emptiness of All Phenomena

Just relax, and the embodied Pure Spirit
Will go wherever it needs to go
And do whatever it needs to do
The ego appears and disappears
This is the full realization of the
Inherent emptiness of all phenomena

Craig Louis Stehr

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Update October 16, 2019 Garberville, CA/Southern Humboldt County USA

Middle of October as the autumn colors are bright along the Eel River.  Am continuing to pick up trash and recyclables along the 2 mile stretch of road that connects Garberville, CA and Redway, CA.  Following 40 of these mindful walks with trash bags, both sides of the connector road are spotless.  I have nothing else to do on earth at all!
        My eco-bodhisattva friend Andy Caffrey continues to host me at his apartment, and of course I contribute appropriately in terms of the basic necessities.  We wait for an opportunity to go forth into the larger world again, in response to global climate destabilization.  Meanwhile, Andy monitors the growing confusion in political Washington, D.C. on his digital computer screens, when not otherwise multi-tasking. 
         In my own case, it is all about being "spiritually available" for use as an instrument of a Higher Will.  I keep busy as best that I can, but the fact is that I have nothing important to do now in postmodern America.  Following my mindful walk to Redway, CA yesterday, I stopped into the popular Brass Rail for well deserved cold pints of Sierra Nevada's Hazy IPA, a warm shot of Red Breast scotch whiskey, chowed down nine shrimp tacos, and played the juke box while watching the professional baseball playoffs, in the company of a lively crowd of sports fans who were also celebrating a birthday.  Finished the evening sipping a silver tequila margarita and eating a Snickers candy bar. 
         Andy Caffrey picked me up, and we proceeded to Ray's supermarket whereupon I purchased for him ice cream and beer, to be enjoyed at the apartment while watching the Velvet Underground Redux Concert video.  As my eco-bodhisattva colleague drank responsibly and watched the music, I checked inboxes for crucial messages.  There weren't any.  And I wonder, why do I not have a critical social situation in postmodern America at this time?  [This body-mind complex is in satisfactory shape at age 70; the social security benefits plus Food Stamps are sufficient to keep it going.  I have more than enough medical coverage.  I am spiritually Self-realized.] 
         So I sit here at the Garberville, CA Public Library typing this networking message up to be sent out, because I refuse to do nothing and just be here watching the attractive Southern Humboldt county clouds overhead, between mindful walks picking up the local garbage and recyclables on the connector road.   I do not believe that the Divine Absolute (dualistically speaking) is so on permanent vacation, that this is all perfect.  I think that there is a problem here, and I do not believe it is with myself nor God. 
         I am willing to peacefully wait for two additional weeks until my social security benefits go into my bank account in early November.  I pray that the rest of postmodern America understands that it is not really possible for me to just do nothing for the remainder of this life, patiently being sane.  And while I am on the subject, thanks to everyone who did email me to inquire about my mental health.  Again, I am not an alcoholic.  I do go to sports bars spontaneously because it is often the only activity that makes any sense in the midst of my difficult to understand situation in postmodern America.  Lastly, I am playing LOTTO twice weekly (both Powerball and MegaMillions) in case God would like to get money to me, under which circumstances I will fly both myself and Andy Caffrey to Washington, D.C. to intervene in history.  I am also now attending Catholic Mass at Our Lady of the Redwoods, conveniently located one block from the Garberville, CA apartment, and I am praying for anything to happen which will move myself beyond the current circumstances of being "on hold" here on earth.
         If it is possible for me to reach anybody in postmodern America who can relate to the absurdity of my situation here, and who could actually do anything to get me into a productive activist situation, I ask you to go ahead and assist me in moving on, as soon as possible.  Let's face it, the political situation at the White House is somewhere between completely mad and the Twilight Zone.  Don't you think that we ought to consider a Divine Anarchist alternative?  I mean, if not now, when?  If not us, then who?  Thank you very much for your kind attention to my message.  I'm ready to get off of the couch at the Earth First! Media Center.  I think that I have been patient sufficiently, but there is a limit to even that, when patience itself becomes a questionable virtue.  ~Peaceout~

Craig Louis Stehr
Telephone messages: (707) 923-2114

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Update October 10, 2019, Garberville, CA/Southern Humboldt County USA

The ongoing difficulty is in being simultaneously attached, in order to be able to do spiritual work on planet earth, and also being non-attached, in order to be free of suffering and not be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of craziness that these postmodern times exemplify.  The key is to be able to live outside of an emotional hell, while interacting with this machine-like civilization.
        It is easy for one's internal mindful practice to become besieged by the specter of a geopolitics gone unredeemably dangerous, societies having gone morally bankrupt due to capitulation to greed, hatred, and delusion.  Nevertheless, we are spiritual beings who have been sent to intervene in history.  Spiritual practices such as seated meditation, chanting, praying, and attending formal religious functions help a lot.  Postmodernism is deeply miserable; the constant reportage by news media of the confusion and horror is too much for the mind to process and bear.  In spite of decades of front line peace and justice and radical environmental activism, plus writing about it all, the years of zazen, and still attending Catholic Mass and most importantly receiving Holy Communion, add to that study of Vedanta and lengthy samadhi experience both in the USA and India, there still remains no other known way to successfully be on the planet earth than to silently witness the mind.   Arising thought becomes dissipating thought on and on and on...
         Attended a Thursday evening Catholic Mass at Our Lady of the Redwoods followed by a potluck dinner.  I mentioned that prayer and mental edginess could not coexist.  The priest suggested that I keep praying.  Meanwhile, I send out networking messages, which must be some kind of act of faith alone in America.  Nobody responds seriously, the aggravating idiotic lack of any housing offers so that I could continue to be active somewhere, particularly in Washington, D.C., and then there are the bizarre responses that insist that we are all in solidarity for "the revolution", when in fact there is no significant public belief that anybody can do anything now.  Seriously America, where indeed are you going???
         I am not identifying with either the body nor the mind.  I am identified with the Pure Spirit-Soul.  Evil be gone.  If this message resonates with you, please contact me immediately.  Thank you.

Craig Louis Stehr
10.X.2019 Anno Domini
Email me at:
Facebook: Craig Louis Stehr
Send money to: Earth First! Media Center,
816 Locust Street #C, Garberville, CA 95542-3442
Telephone messages: (707) 923-2114


Monday, October 7, 2019

Update October 7, 2019...Garberville, CA/Southern Humboldt County

The mind-body complex is spending its days walking from Garberville, CA to Redway, CA and back daily with trash bags, voluntarily picking up litter and recyclables.  30 passes or so of doing this has resulted in a very neat and tidy 2 mile connector road.  Even the sheriff's department and many truck drivers are waving to me and saying "thanks" with wide smiles.  Along with this is the inner condition, reflecting that the mind-body complex is the instrument for a higher will to work through.  Non-interference is the way.  In Chinese philosophy it is termed "wu-wei".  
       Meanwhile, increased social security benefits plus retroactive reimbursement payments to cover the Medicare part B are going into my checking account in Hawaii.  Dramatically I have gone in a very short time from near destitution with $159 in the bank, to  financial stability which will continue indefinitely.  I continue to be on the couch at the Earth First! Media Center in Garberville, CA.  The SSI interviewer informed me that it is perfectly legal for me to go outside of Southern Humboldt county in search of whatever I need, that my benefits would continue uninterrupted, that I may use my Food Stamps outside of the county, and that at age 70 I am encouraged to do whatever is best insofar as obtaining housing and anything else that is sustaining.  I am legally obligated to report a permanent move outside of the county, and also if I receive additional income.  I have been wished the very best by Adult Protective Services.  The Department of Mental Health said that I do not appear to require their services, acknowledging that drinking an occasional cold beer with a warm shot of scotch does not constitute alcoholism, and that with no history of opiate usage and I don't smoke tobacco, that they do not feel that my meeting with them is appropriate.  Lastly, I now have Medical to go along with the Medicare and Kaiser Permanente health coverage.
        I am now only "following spirit" and enjoying creative writing.  If you wish to do anything amazing in this world in association with myself, contact me with the details.  Otherwise good luck, it has been unique and mostly rewarding being on the earth plane with you, and I will understand if you leave this world at your earliest convenience taking nothing here with you.  

Craig Louis Stehr
October 7, 2019
Facebook: Craig Louis Stehr

Thursday, October 3, 2019


Identification with the Source of all phenomena is key to all positivity.  Caught up in the worldly whir of an ever changing situation, is precisely what the individual must be liberated from, particularly because the "play of consciousness" hides one's true nature.  One's true nature is the Eternal Witness!  Identifying with that, the individual's view undergoes a major shift, hence perception is no longer confined to the mind-body complex.  No longer constrained to serve the cruel master of the ego, the individual is free.  The individual becomes an instrument for use by the higher will, which is in fact the Divine Absolute.  One is fully active on the planet earth, without any confusion.  This is powerful! 
          The antarctic ice sheets are melting out, which will result in a rise in sea level, which will imperil coastal nuclear power plants, with the prospect of disastrous consequences.  The scientific community and governmental agencies are only minimally aware of this.  This is beginning to change, due to increasing climate focused activism, worldwide radical environmental protests, and the media spotlight increasing on the destabilized planet earth's climate.  Nothing is certain at the moment. 
           Ultimately, what is crucial is to establish a brand new civilization based on spiritual reality, which would lead to a worldwide integrated social system based on the principles of permaculture, correcting the postmodern doomed-to-extinction trajectory and thus setting a path leading to the "heaven on earth", which would fundamentally fulfill every scripture, all of the prophecies, and successfully implement the instruction of the messengers.  ~OM SHANTHI~