Thursday, October 3, 2019


Identification with the Source of all phenomena is key to all positivity.  Caught up in the worldly whir of an ever changing situation, is precisely what the individual must be liberated from, particularly because the "play of consciousness" hides one's true nature.  One's true nature is the Eternal Witness!  Identifying with that, the individual's view undergoes a major shift, hence perception is no longer confined to the mind-body complex.  No longer constrained to serve the cruel master of the ego, the individual is free.  The individual becomes an instrument for use by the higher will, which is in fact the Divine Absolute.  One is fully active on the planet earth, without any confusion.  This is powerful! 
          The antarctic ice sheets are melting out, which will result in a rise in sea level, which will imperil coastal nuclear power plants, with the prospect of disastrous consequences.  The scientific community and governmental agencies are only minimally aware of this.  This is beginning to change, due to increasing climate focused activism, worldwide radical environmental protests, and the media spotlight increasing on the destabilized planet earth's climate.  Nothing is certain at the moment. 
           Ultimately, what is crucial is to establish a brand new civilization based on spiritual reality, which would lead to a worldwide integrated social system based on the principles of permaculture, correcting the postmodern doomed-to-extinction trajectory and thus setting a path leading to the "heaven on earth", which would fundamentally fulfill every scripture, all of the prophecies, and successfully implement the instruction of the messengers.  ~OM SHANTHI~

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